Artist of the week: Ben Luc

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To make a music scene thrive, you need passionate, talented and hard working musicians. One of these musicians in Swansea is Ben Luc - and we're very lucky to have him! 

Like many of the musicians I have discovered in Swansea, I first heard Ben play in Cinema & Co, during the open mic that Horizons/Gorwelion held. I was really blown away & watched him intently - not only because of Ben's ability to create amazing soundscapes using his voice, guitar and looping pedal but also because I was thinking "man, this is the sort of music I'd make and love - and it's drenched in reverb!"

Awesome vocals & melodies, really interesting looping work and guitar playing that Jonny Greenwood would be pleased with!

All you need to do is check out Ben's most recent live EP, recorded in Creature Sound in April to see where I'm coming from:

Every time I see Ben live I'm left in awe - and it's not only his service to the music scene he provides through his own music - he's always at gigs supporting other musicians in the city and he also organises an open mic at The Last Resort on a Wednesday and is always supporting the Sonic Youth Sessions and open mic sessions at Creature Sound. 

Nice one Ben - we hope you know your hard work and passion for music in the city doesn't go unnoticed! 

Ben Luc Facebook | Ben Luc Twitter | Ben Luc Website

Written by Simon Parton